About my blogs

Hello, welcome to my blog site.
I use these pages to not only promote my book series:
Crystal Waters, but so you can get a taste of what
really goes on behind the scence, so-to-speak.
My thoughts, idea's and feelings are poured lovely into, what I call, my diary for all to see.
I'm sure there will be many happy moments, emotional traumas and doubts, but it will all enhance my
intention; to capture an honest and heartfelt progression-log of my life, as a writer.
Hope you enjoy :) Any comments are most welcome.

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Learning as I go

I have read many blogs, from other writers, saying that many writers are a little too hasty when trying to get their first book published. This of course leads to mistakes being made and accepting second best. Resulting in; what would have been, a great book, into a mediocre one.
I must admit; when I'm wrapped up in my story and then the yearn in wanting getting my book out there quickly, I have been guilty of this.
I think sometimes when you are so close to something, it is hard to see glaringly obvious errors, that stand-out like a sore thumb, when you do finally step back and look at the wider picture.
Of course, I won't beat myself up too much about them. But what I will do, however is learn by them and hopefully won't repeat them in my next book.
I did receive a few five star reviews on Amazon, for my book: Crystal Waters It Began in Europe, which was very encouraging. However, the one bad review really hurt me. All the preparation, research and hard work over the years of writing the book were just shot down in flames in a few mere words. The pen is mightier than the sword comes to mind. I was so distraught at first I thought; well that's it! I won't write anymore, if I'm making such a fool of myself. But kind words of encouragement from other fellow writers and friends made me take another view point on this: I could either accept defeat and curl up and hide away, never to be seen or heard from again or I could pick myself up and learn from it. I decided to do the latter.
So here is my new amended book, mistakes hopefully now removed and a shiny new cover to go along with it.


I think it must be said: I love writing, creating stories and retelling them, in such a way, that for a little time while a reader is reading them, they can truly escape into another world - my world.
And so my conclusion is: I know my book won't please everyone, that's just the way life is, but if it brings a little happiness to many others then surely I'm on the right track, right? :)

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

My first Press promotion

Because of lots of red tape between the newspapers and school, my local newspaper could not come and support me when I did my book launch. However, they said they would come around to my house to do an interview and take photos. So I thought it would be a great opportunity to get my daughters friends around to get a book signed by me and although rather set up, it was really kinda fun; pizza, drinks and lots of laughs.
Being one of my first interviews I thought it went quite well. The two girls that came from the Gazette (Laura Woodcock and Katie Lunn) were really friendly and put me at ease. I told them a little about myself and of course the book and then Katie took some photo's with the kids. We had to laugh because Grace (my six year old) was pulling the strangest faces. How we got a good one I'll never know. I guess good photographers are good when dealing with children :)

The Interviewer (Laura) said she would email me when it was going to be in, but with the holiday season just around the corner I thought it would be the new year when we finally got see our smiley faces in print.
Two days after Christmas I was really surprised to receive a couple of messages from my friends to say what a good article it was in the Evening Gazette. 'What . . . where . . . DAVE! (that's the hubby)quick nip to the shops for me,' I shouted.
By the time he came back from the newsagents with three copies tucked under his arm, me and the girls were jumping up and down with excitement. We really are easily pleased :)
Of course we couldn't get to the page fast enough. And when we spotted it, on pg 35 we were all delighted, a great photo and a fantastic write up. I really couldn't ask for more.
Here's the link below if you would like a peek.


Of course, my girls now think mummy is famous; soon to be walking the red carpet and buying a mansion in the countryside.
'Not famous yet,' I said, 'But Grace keep practising that lovely smile cos there's definitely more to come.' :D

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Book Launch

Catching up with my blog over the holiday season, with all the Christmas preparations and entertaining family, has proven almost impossible. But as the saying goes; better late than never.

My book launch, on the 11th December at my daughters school, although rather hectic, went really well.

The idea of having my launch immediately after the Christmas play was initially a good one; having an audience already seated. But even with all the preparations there were still a few hitches with setting up; the microphone wouldn't work and the music and slide show I had prepared earlier just wasn't playing.

As the audience grew restless, people started to leave!! Drastic actions had to me taken; I quickly ran on stage and tried to project my voice out so everyone could hear clearly. Not an easy task for a quietly spoken person with a large bag of nerves to go with it, I can tell you.
Fortunately, a few sentences in, the lovely teachers got the mic working and my music/slide show started to work. Hoorah!


My little talk went well and although my nerves made me use my prompt script more often than I would have liked, I think it came out well and even received a few litter titters amongst the audience at my little joke I'd inserted in there.

After my speech my pre-recorded chapter was played, which gave me time to sign a few books and the kids could grab some refreshments; purple iced cakes and biscuits and purple coloured drinks (Ceber would have been so proud).
I also gave a quick interview with a local radio station, which went really well and when I had finished I came back to a queue of people wanting to buy my books :)


My husband, Dave, and my lovely friends, Debbie and Chris, helped me so much; Dave taking payments and the girls handing out the cakes. I later discovered that the girls had ran around the playground outside handing out my order forms; brilliant!

And so we have it, my very first book launch, which I thought went brilliantly.  Fantastic support from my family and friends and together I think we drummed up quite a bit of interest in others.
I must admit if we iron out a few glitches that occurred in this book launch, I think my next one will be even better than this, and that, my friends, is saying something :)