About my blogs

Hello, welcome to my blog site.
I use these pages to not only promote my book series:
Crystal Waters, but so you can get a taste of what
really goes on behind the scence, so-to-speak.
My thoughts, idea's and feelings are poured lovely into, what I call, my diary for all to see.
I'm sure there will be many happy moments, emotional traumas and doubts, but it will all enhance my
intention; to capture an honest and heartfelt progression-log of my life, as a writer.
Hope you enjoy :) Any comments are most welcome.

Thursday, 20 October 2016

Nearly there!

Yet again, I must apologise for not writing sooner, but, you may forgive me as I have wonderful news: Book five, 'Crystal Waters To Australasia and Beyond', is finally complete and is at the editors as I write this blog. And so, providing my editor doesn't come back with major changes, I'm so happy to say it'll be definitely out for Christmas, yey!

So, jumping right in there, I thought I'd show you the back cover and the blurb to tickle your taste buds.
I must say I really loved writing this book. As usual the research into all the history and mythology that this new continent has to offer has just been wonderful. Of course, anyone knowing their ancient folklore may recognise some of the creatures I have used within this story, but will see that I have tweaked them a little to breathe a little life into them.
Hour after hour I spent reading New Zealand's legends, poring over maps and watching YouTube documentaries, and I found that New Zealand is still quite a mystery when it comes to ancient history. The Maori's freely admit that they were not the first to discover New Zealand 700 years ago. There were signs of life when they arrived, and many stories say that the ones who lived there before were either blonde or red hair, but both with very pale skin.
With these thoughts in mind, I felt at liberty to make two of my stories about these strange white tribes, who have mysteriously disappeared through our time. There is still so much intrigue with the hidden ancient tribal villages, which date back way before the Maori's came. I love mystery, and as you know this is such a tantalising hook for any writer, when a place has a history that no one can explain. So, there you have it, my imagination ran wild again and made a terrific story in the end, but don't take my word for it, look out for it in the next month or so and read it for yourself. I will keep you all posted. I promise :)