About my blogs

Hello, welcome to my blog site.
I use these pages to not only promote my book series:
Crystal Waters, but so you can get a taste of what
really goes on behind the scence, so-to-speak.
My thoughts, idea's and feelings are poured lovely into, what I call, my diary for all to see.
I'm sure there will be many happy moments, emotional traumas and doubts, but it will all enhance my
intention; to capture an honest and heartfelt progression-log of my life, as a writer.
Hope you enjoy :) Any comments are most welcome.

Saturday, 4 January 2014

Book launch for book two - Crystal Waters And on to North America

Is it new year already? Happy 2014 everyone and sorry for the delay in telling you about my book launch. All I can say is: Where did last month go??

Well, for starters the book launch for Crystal Waters And on to North America went really well with a great turn out.

Friends and family came down to Middlesbrough Central library to see me bumble my way through my usual embarrassing speech (embarrassing for me, not for the audience I hope) and I must say. It went better than the last launch. I didn't go quite as puce, rather a light scarlet. Good job I was dressed as a Native American Indian girl, as I could just put the blushing down to make-up. 

Of course there were a few technical hitches with the sound system and mic not working and my youngest daughter refusing, with a scared shake of the head, to come out with my joke props we had rehearsed earlier. But I was told later it added to the charm with me laughing it off with a 'never work with animals or children' joke.

Anyway enough of my yabbering. Here are a few photo's to see for yourself:

The Speech
The Shadow puppet Show
The Band (Laura & Katie Adamson, Alice Summerhill, Emma Rozevskis) singing my Winona Song from the book with Chris Summerhill on guitar.
The scenes and info

The book signing
So as you can see with the help from my friends and family (I really couldn't have done it without them) it was a truly successful launch.
So I guess all that's left now is a piece in the local paper:
This came out 27th December 2013 and I'm really pleased with the write up :)
Happy Reading everyone, hope you enjoy book two xx

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